Chair 65

427,40 € TTC 356,17 € HT

Dont 0,20 € d'éco-participation

281 026 71

design Alvar Aalto, 1935

Nous prendrons contact avec vous pour valider les finitions souhaitées.

délai 6-8 semaines

35 x 40 x hauteur 68 cm

Clean lines and a simple structure define the design of Chair 65. A low, rectangular backrest is formed from a single piece of birch plywood and has a slight curve that forms naturally to the back, offering comfort and support. The height of the backrest allows for the chair to be pushed under a table or desk. The distinctive circular seat and L-shaped legs are part of Alvar Aalto’s standardised system of components. Available in a variety of colours and finishes, Chair 65 also has a smaller sibling, Children’s Chair NE65, which is suitable for children.

Price with seat birch veneer

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Chair 65

427,40 €